Prior to understanding how a BERTS Alert Medical™ ID bracelet can help with “YOUR” health records? We must firstly, establish where exactly they are:

  1. Does your GP have them?
  2. Are they up to date?
  3. Do you have a copy (to which you are entitled)?
  4. Have you in fact seen your health record?
  5. What is recorded on them?
  6. Have you been in hospital recently, do they have them?
  7. Have you been to the optician for other than an eye test, do they have a record?
  8. Have you seen a specialist; do they have a record?
  9. How many other health professionals have you seen, i.e. podiatrist, occupation therapist, physiotherapy, dentist and the list goes on?

The MyGov Health Record system introduced a few years ago is unfortunately flawed. It can be a bit difficult to find them on the MyGov site and when you do and most people have told us, they are incomplete or not there.

Have you changed GP, due to moving perhaps? Did you arrange for records you had with your previous GP to be transferred to the new one?

There are so many different data storage systems in use in the health sector and they often don’t talk to each other, so keeping them up to date is near impossible.

A member of our team recently had to call the ambulance early one morning due to severe stomach pains during the night. On arrival at hospital, he provided his name address, date of birth but when asked about his medical history he was very sketchy, frankly he couldn’t remember having these pains previously. Various examinations were carried out and it was found that a hernia had burst, he was discharged later that morning.

When questioned some days later, his GP was unaware of the visit to hospital, and he had to update his GP.

How much time could have been saved on arrival at the hospital if all the reception staff had to do was scan the BERTS ALERT MEDICAL tag.

So, when you have found “YOUR” records, where can you keep them in a secure place? BERTS ALERT MEDICAL is the solution, the records can be stored and easily updated as required. “YOU” will have control of “YOUR” health record and can make them available, to who you want to see them.

Contact us to learn more today on 1300 237 879 and join now to receive your medical ID bracelet.